The Coveted ‘Liebster’ Award

liebsterawardI’ve been nominated by John Dolan for the coveted (maybe) ‘LIEBSTER Award’. You can find out about this trivial pursuit (but, GREAT!) at , a wonderful blog site by John Dolan called ‘Galericulate’ (a word meaning, ‘covered, as with a hat or cap’). If you are not familiar with this British ‘chap’ of wisdom and wit, you have just got to become familiar. SO, please visit his site, read his posts, some book reviews, some outrageous author interviews, and I’m betting you will thank me. In fact, I’ve reviewed his book, “Everyone Burns,” on this site and will do likewise when the much expected sequel is out. I have also interviewed him on this site — view in the archives.

Now, back to the business at hand. Here are the rules for acceptance of the ‘LIEBSTER Award.’ These are important because? At the end of my little mission here, I will be nominating eleven blogs for this coveted award.  Okay, the rules: 1) When you receive the award you must post eleven random facts about yourself; 2) you must answer eleven questions posed by the person who nominated you; 3) you pass the award on to the blogger friends you are nominating, making sure that you have notified them of their nominations; 4) you write up eleven new questions for the bloggers you are nominating (and you cannot nominate the blogger who nominated you); 5) finally, you paste the award picture into your blog.

Eleven Random Facts About Billy Ray Chitwood:

1) Kerosene lamps were the ‘in thing’ during my rural youth.

2) You would never know I taught ‘Advanced Writing’ when you read my books.

3) Skipped school occasionally to play ‘nine ball’ at the pool hall.

4) Spent many Saturdays sitting on the front row of the movie house watching Hopalong Cassidy, an early cowboy hero of mine — how would you know him?

5) Worked up the nerve in high school to ask a majorette beauty for a movie date — then, stood her up because of my shyness (go figure!)

6) Spent a tour of duty in the US Navy at an outpost in the Aleution Islands called Adak (A-yuck!).

7) The English ‘Romantic Poets’ were my beacon lights in college — also gave me a big assist on dates! (My etchings, so to speak.)

8) I’ve chased ‘windmills’ all my life — and still chasing!

9) Love is not only a great golfer but an emotion that ends up being my number one priority in life.

10) Along with the waste accumulated in my life there has been a lot of joy.

11) I’ve been a ‘President’ — of a Homeowners Association.

Eleven Questions From John Dolan for me to answer:

1) What is the worst present you ever received? I’m tempted but won’t go there! The worst present was Christmas undershorts two sizes too large from my loving Mom — she gave them every year until she passed on. (I just never had the heart to tell her.)

2) If you were going to throw someone our of an aeroplane who would it be? An ‘aeroplane?’ Really, John, get on board! I’m too lovable to even consider such an awful act…

3) What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever worn? A yellow polka dot bikini! (Please, John, try harder with the questions.)

4) If you could have been the writer of any song, which song would it be? Toss-up between “My Way” and “God Bless America.”

5) If you weren’t doing what you are doing, what would you be doing? Writing a song…

6) How long can you hold your breath for? John, John! Ending with a preposition? Really? One hour, thirty-three seconds!

7) If you had to have a tattoo what would it be and where would it be on your body? ‘Liebster’ Award, lower right cheek!

8) Apple or Microsoft? Finally a short question! Apple has a certain acid that bothers my stomach. Microsoft when I’m not hungry.

9) If you could remove one country from the planet which one would it be? Right this minute or later on when I’m more rational! Besides, I don’t wish to offend North Korea…

10) Which extinct animal would you like to see not-extinct? A dinosaur cause I’m lonely!

11) Which movie is most likely to make you blub?  ‘Blub’ as in blubber? Out on a limb here but I go with “Somewhere In Time.”

Here are my eleven easy questions for my nominees:

1) Your favorite Actor and Actress?

2) Your least liked chore?

3) Your favorite book genre?

4) Your favorite type of music?

5) Your favorite movie?

6) Your least favorite movie?

7) Mayonnaise or Salad Dressing?

8) Favorite beverage?

9) Favorite meat?

10) Favorite vegetable?

11) Your favorite author of all time?

We’re all serious about the business of writing and the events that shape our world. Some levity and fun is allowed. Who knows! While doubtful, this ‘Liebster’ Award could go viral! It took me some time to do mine, but all of you are younger and more digitally savvy…should knock the chore off in thirty minutes. My very best to all, and, don’t hate me, please! Just get even. You can hate John Dolan!

Here are my nominees for the ‘Liebster’ Award:

Rich Weatherly – (@richweatherly43) –

Christine Warner – (@ChristinesWords) –

Jhobell Kristyl – (@JhobellKristyl) – 

Chris Martin – (@TheChris_Martin) –  

Jack Durish – (@jackdrsm) –

Caleb Pirtle – (@CalebPirtle) –

Babette James – (@BabetteJames) –  

Dianne Gray – (@Zigotide) –

Ella Medler – (@EllaMedler) –

Rick Mallery – (@RickMallery) –

Judith Victoria Douglas –  

7 thoughts on “The Coveted ‘Liebster’ Award

  1. Billy, you certainly know how to make a blogger’s day brighter. Thank you so much for nominating me for the Liebster award. I greatly appreciate it.

    P.S. The 11 facts about you are super interesting.

    Jhobell Kristyl 🙂


    1. I’m late in responding… Really have to get my mind around this digital world. Didn’t know I came to this spot to respond — thought people commented on the post spot. Oh, well, just bear with me! Best wishes.


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