Joe Public’s Political Perspective

Joe Public's Political Perspective

2014 – A Critical Year – BUY THIS BOOK!

JUST PUBLISHED! Buy it at Amazon US and Amazon UK

Simple message from a simple man! I want no government that chips away at my freedom and liberty, that denies me free access to my aspirations and dreams, that would dare make personal decisions for me, that deceives me with its rhetoric! It is, indeed, a critical 2014 that ‘We The People’ must face. My plea, my prayer, is that we do not let our democracy slip away.

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6 thoughts on “Joe Public’s Political Perspective

    1. Thanks so much, Jill…one surely makes enemies with books like this – and, perhaps a few friends. At my age, I just couldn’t keep quiet about what I see as ineptness in our national leadership…even though I know in my heart and mind that one rarely changes another person’s belief system with words or deeds. We are who we are! At least, my kids and grandkids will know how I felt at this juncture in our history. Speaking of history, so many of us cannot seem to learn from that great source of learning…
      Always my best to you, dear Jill.


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