Writing Therapy


Writing Therapy

Unless your brains and emotions have been so scrambled that you’re hopelessly lost and unable to vent in any form, try writing as therapy. Who knows, you could save thousands of dollars in psych office visits…

Take me, for example, those who occupy psych offices are loony types – he says rather tongue in cheek but not without respect. Me, I write books and blogs for my therapy and my thought is I might use this space to describe what it is my words and phrases are trying to convey.

My writing first and foremost is hopefully entertaining and connecting with some kindred souls. There is no formula that I use for writing – I simply take off and hope in the end it all makes some sense. Sure, I try to build a cohesive story, mixed with some interesting characters, some philosophical meandering, and a dash of humor. There was a time when I taught ‘Advanced Writing’ and I’m the first to admit that my style probably defies all the rules of good story-telling…you know, the ‘big bang beginning’, the sustaining plot and sub-plots, the unforgettable characters, the action, or, the ‘mesmerizing middle’, and the ‘bigger bang ending’. Don’t get me wrong, I try for these good elements and to one degree or another make them.

Where I likely deviate a bit from rules is my subconscious need to ‘diarize’, to inject so much of me into the narrative and out of the characters’ mouths. You see, I really want to write something most worthy but I have a selfish motive… I want to see if I can find pieces of me that give me a better sense of my life and times. We have all begun somewhere, been delivered to this place or that place, and have our scars to show for the life experiences. Me, I’ve always been an incurable romantic, a risk taker, not so much a multi-task type of guy, more interested in finding and evaluating all the variables in my journey, finding the reasons for this action and/or event.

So, through the made-up characters and the stories (even those inspired by true events) I’m hoping to get a better handle on me. The dialogues and the personalities are my inventions, and somewhere there on the lines and between the lines, am I. There is no question about my writing ability. Humbly, I believe it good to excellent – given a careless mistake here and there. The story will be simple and compelling…interesting but with some digression here and there. The books I’ve written are like the wanderlust author who penned them – hobos looking for a place to settle…but, then, hobos don’t look to settle, methinks.

I’m envious of those good folks who live in the same house, city, community, town for most if not all of their lives… I’ve lived in some beautiful places over my journey and part of me wishes I had never left some of those places. Like now, I’m living in a magnificent home with a bluff view across the valley on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee, and, guess what, I’m getting antsy for another move.

Therapy? Hey, I’ve got to do a lot of writing! 

One more thing… I’m finishing up my twelfth book titled “A Common Evil” – The setting is a small fishing village on The Sea of Cortez in Mexico. It is the sixth and final book of my ‘Bailey Crane Mystery Series’ and possibly the best. “A Common Evil” stands alone as do all the books in the ‘Bailey Crane Series’ and there are some musings in the book taken from my experiences while living in this fishing village by the sea. Actually, I can say the book was inspired by some actual events that took place in the very resort where I lived. All the books in the ‘Bailey Crane Mystery Series’ are quick and simple reads that will attest to my claims in this blog post. Obviously, I hope you will read “A Common Evil’ and the rest of the ‘Bailey Crane Mysteries’ — you will find me on and between the lines in each and every book. LOOK FOR IT – COMING SOON!

Thank you for taking time to read “A Common Evil’ when it is available – and any of my novels and/or memoirs now available at links below. If you enjoy one of my books, please consider telling your friends or posting a short review. Word of mouth is an author’s best friend. 

Billy Ray Chitwood – June 6, 2014

Please leave a comment if so inclined. Thank you and best wishes.


http://billyraychitwood.weebly.com (Bio – My books – Reviews – Blog)

https://www.goodreads.com/author/dashboard – Goodreads (My books – Blog – Reviews)

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http://www.goo.gl/fuxUA (IAN – Independent Author Network – Bio – My books)

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13 thoughts on “Writing Therapy

  1. No!!!!!!!!!!! Not another move, Billy! Keep writing…with the view you currently have, I would never leave.
    Great post and I completely agree with your thoughts. Have a great weekend!


  2. Writing IS thereapeutic, totally agree! I have saved $$ too. The way you describe your writing process reminds me of my counselling style. A new supervisor was shadowing me a few weeks ago. After I completed the phonecall with a youth in distress he said, `But this sounded just like a regular conversation not a therapist with a degree talking`I could have kicked him but thought best not to if he became my boss. My response was, `Did we get close to resolve his problem or not? How could I engage with anyone acting like Im the expert? All that “stuff” we learned at uni…I digested it and regurgitate it MY way.” You describe your writing similarly…


  3. Writing is definitely my therapy, Billy Ray so I can totally relate to this post.

    “A Common Evil” sounds fantastic and I’m really looking forward to reading it 😀


  4. I think your wanderlust has made you a very interesting man, Billy Ray. Readers are all the more fortunate for the adventures you’ve REALLY traveled, and for those you’ve only traveled in your mind. 🙂

    You’re an amazing and prolific man. *Admire*



  5. I think that it would be difficult to write anything without something of author slipping in between the lines. In some way or another, our thoughts and experiences impact on everything we write. Congratulations on your twelfth book, Billy Ray; I do hope that it is a great success.


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