An Arizona Tragedy

Buy Sites: Amazon US: Amazon UK: Amazon Worldwide: An Arizona Tragedy The year was 1967. There was exciting news on radio, television, and in the daily papers. Some of the news was reasonably good, some very bad. Vladimir Komarov, a Russian cosmonaut, died as his descending spacecraft got entangled in its parachute […]

Do You Know This Man?

Do You Know This Man?


I knew him, not so well, some forty years ago…he was a devotee of the Phoenix neon night life, searching for parts of himself he lost along the emotional road from Appalachia: lost in an abusive and disoriented childhood; lost in a flawed and impetuous marriage; lost in the glittering promise of booze and lovely ladies. Yes, I knew him, not so well, as he made all his stumbles along the way, losing not only himself but the connections to family and friends, to the people who loved him.

Yes, of course, I’m the man in the photo, and there’s a lot more to the story…hope you’ll read THE CRACKED MIRROR, Reflections of an Appalachian Son, by Billy Ray Chitwood.

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The Magic of Words

The Magic of Words Has it happened to you? A heated argument with the co-worker, the spouse, or a political debate with someone of a different persuasion? When the argument is over and you sit alone still stewing about the words that were exchanged, does your mind then tease you with what you should have […]

Love Summit

Love Summit She was going to die! John was going to die! He was twenty feet above her, and she could hear him weakly calling her name, “Maria,” he threw his head back, mouth agape, willing more air to come. “Maria, we’re almost there…please try…try for me!” He fell from his knees onto his back […]