My Reaction To An Interview

My Reaction To An Interview   A political pundit was interviewing an atheist, and I found myself becoming angry with the remarks of the latter. Of course, my anger had something to do with my Christian faith – a childhood faith that went through some amendments in adulthood. The remarks by the atheist were rude, stark, […]

Happy Birthday, Jesus!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JESUS Though it seems likely you were born in April, the date of December 25 has become the date much of the world has designated as the day we celebrate your birth. Here in the United States, most of our citizens enjoy your birthday as a paid holiday. On your birthday, many of […]

The Lonesome Train Whistle

A moment of sweet reflection came to me – just wanted to share it with you. My wonderful grandfather was a section foreman on the Louisville and Nashville Railroad line. In youth I lived for awhile in the old gray two-story section house with my grandparents. The house was no more than a hundred yards […]

The Ghostly Shroud

The Ghostly Shroud The fog hangs heavy like a gray ghostly shroud, the bluff and canyon below all hidden from the human eye. The nearby leafless hardwood trees outside the window stand bent, tall, and eerily ominous like lonely wasteland creatures. Occasionally they sway with a slight breeze as though shaking off the winter chill. […]