Soul Infections

  Soul Infections Have you ever thought about what life was like without all the technological advances and the fast doubling and re-doubling of knowledge? Have you considered how life events shape your attitude and emotions? Why you are upset much of your waking moments? Why good news reawakens your latent capacity for positive behavior? […]

The Last Laugh

The Last Laugh (Flash Fiction by Billy Ray Chitwood)  Hi, my name is Hymie Ludicrus and feel free to laugh. I love laughter directed at me. At parties, people would break up when I gave them my name. What’s in a name, right? Laughter. Those party folks gave impetus to my being as funny as […]

A Heart Thing

A Heart Thing What was I doing here? It seemed a sad inertia was in control of my body. Beautiful, yes, this sand and sun part of the world! And, it was a promise my heart compelled me to keep…after so many tears and a fragile restoration from the pain and finality of impending death. […]

Wicked Marcie

Wicked Marcie “You’re a filthy beast!” she spoke as tears fell down her cheeks. “And, what kind of beast, would you say?” his face squinted in a soft strange sadness. The woman did not understand the expression, read it as a ‘mocking’ of the situation. She appeared cautiously in conflict with her emotions. She spoke […]

Soul’s Odyssey

Soul’s Odyssey Why is it so? This mystical longing, this wanderlust, this soul odyssey? There are so many parts that make up this mortal body: the part that takes me to moments of happiness and joy, like love’s ecstatic swoons; the part that cries in the sadness of a child’s suffering, the madness of evil-doers, […]

Meet Lady Gray

Meet ‘Lady Gray’            Our beloved Bengal cat, George, left us for animal heaven some months back after a twelve-year love affair. It was a sad and traumatic moment for Julie and me…we buried George under some trees on our property, and, each morning, we look out the kitchen window at […]